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Enrico Uffer at the Resurses SA wood processing center

Those who profit bear responsibility - it's as simple as that!

"Our ancestors looked after the mountain forest with foresight and humility. Our forests protect us from natural hazards, provide clean water, secure wood as a raw material and give us space for leisure and recreation. Now it is up to us to take responsibility for the next generation. Help us to do so!"

Enrico Uffer
Initiator Pignaverde Foundation


Our daily activities are guided by the mission statement. It defines the goals we are working toward together and shows how we intend to keep our promises to the various stakeholder groups: forest, employees, donors and society.

The statues were notarized and certified by the Albula Regional Notary's Office on December 14, 2021. They are accordingly public.

The guidelines regulate all services and considerations between the donors and the Pignaverde Foundation.

The Pignaverde Foundation is always open to new project proposals. The project criteria include the requirements that projects of the Foundation must meet and how to enter and review a project. Projects can be submitted through an online form.

The label is the trademark of the Pignaverde Foundation. The label regulations contain the provisions for the use of the label by donors and partners. The CI/CD manual contains the detailed information about the use of the label in print and online media.

"resurses" - using resources sustainably

30 percent of the area of the canton of Graubünden is forest. To date, however, very little wood from Graubünden's forests has been cut and processed regionally. This will change with the vision Resurses2025.

With the actions of our founders and partners, the resource forest of Graubünden is transformed into regional added value and the wood processing chain in Graubünden is completed.

"We Graubünden forestry entrepreneurs have our hands and hearts on wood. The more people and organizations that are committed to sustainable regional forestry, the better. We can use all the help we can get."

Andrea Florinett
Managing Director and Co-owner Florinett Inc  

"Just imagine: We drive through an area that we help to shape ourselves. That's why I support the "#01/2 Riz" project.

Paolo Spalluto
CEO Passione Engadina AG

"I like the idea of using resources sustainably and taking responsibility for this. The Pignaverde Foundation combines the interests of the timber markets and the sustainable and careful use of our forests in an exemplary way. The next generation can also benefit in this way."

Peter Flütsch
President Graubünden Holz  

«Many forest owners in Graubünden support the intention to close our regional wood chain between forest and wood processing companies. The Pignaverde Foundation stands for a continuous and attractive value chain. I like that!»

Leo Thomann
Forester, President of the Surses Municipality

"No one in the mountain cantons can live without a climate-friendly protection forest. We have a duty to ensure that our future generations can grow up with a healthy and sustainably managed mountain forest. The forest owners of Graubünden stand behind the goals of Pigna Verde!"

Alain Schmid
Forester HF and Managing Director of SELVA, Forest Owners Association Graubünden

Strong partners and patrons

Behind "pigna verde" are many heads. They are co-initiators who take on a sponsorship and thus support the projects ideally and economically. There are volunteers who care about a particular project and support it financially. It is the forest workers, the foresters, the cantonal forestry offices, the communities and the forest owners who organize and make possible the projects together with the project leaders. It is the nature lovers who enjoy working in the impassable terrain of the mountain forest. It is the foundation board that drives pigna verde forward with great commitment and continuously develops it further.