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All current projects

In cooperation with the surrounding forestry offices, we launch projects with which we can improve the conditions of the protection forests and direct them towards the future.

We reforest, establish protection forests, protect against game browsing, purchase forest for responsible management, raise awareness of the concerns of mountain regions and invest in the resources of Graubünden's mountains.



The heart of the Pignaverde Foundation is the endowment fund. The funds are used carefully in the sense of sustainability for young talent, education, communication and events.

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Financed. [Text from "Financing text box"]
Financed. [Text from "Financing text box"]
Financed. [Text from "Financing text box"]
Implemented and finalized - Financed by Passione Engadina SA

We rely on larches so that the mountain forest continues to fulfill its function as a protective forest and protects the Julier Pass road.

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Sot La Sesa

Climate-resistant tree species capable of adapting to the climate changes are needed. A pilot project in the mountain forest.

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The solution for protection from game browsing is called «Cumpogn», which means «companion» in the Romansh language.

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Sniffer dogs

Trained sniffer dogs support the fight against the bark beetle

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Donation amount

Submit your own project

The Pignaverde Foundation is always open to new project proposals. The project criteria include the requirements that projects of the Foundation must meet and how to enter and review a project. Projects can be submitted through an online form.

Project criteria