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SotLa Sesa

Climate change is challenging our mountain forest. It needs climate-resistant tree species that are capable of adapting to the climate. A pilot project in the mountain forest.

Climate change also challenges our mountain forests. It is necessary to find climate-resistant tree species that can survive at our altitude and thus perform the function of a protective forest. We are trying to adapt our mountain forests to climate change. That is why we plant native Swiss stone pines, larches and a guest tree species, the Douglas fir. The Douglas fir is an interesting alternative to the spruce, which is coming under increasing pressure due to the current climate conditions. All planted young trees are provided with a protective fence, so that they are spared from wild browsing.

Why the project "Sot La Sesa" is important!

Climate change does not stop in the mountain regions. Since the year 1850, the average air temperature has risen by 1.8°C. And it will continue to rise. The climatic changes pose great challenges for mountain forests and an increased risk of forest fires must be expected. The spruce, as the main tree species in our forests, will come under strong pressure with the climatic changes. The vitality and resistance against the bark beetle will decrease strongly. Supplementary plantings of climate-resistant tree species will therefore be necessary in the protection forest. The mountain forest can be saved by planting guest tree species. This is because they have the advantage to better tolerate warmer and drier climates and also grow faster.

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Yes, I will help and participate in "Project #02/2 Sot La Sesa" for the long-term effect of the protective forest above the Julier Pass road between Rona and Mulegns.

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